We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
Help Centre

Welcome to the new!
The new is here and ready to help you grow your landscape and horticulture workforce.
Simple and Accessible
We’ve simplified the process to help you create and update your job posts from any device. After you submit your job post, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to edit your post at any time.
Share and Connect with Ease
When your post is approved, you’ll also receive a shareable link to your live job post. Each job post also includes an exclusive online application. You’ll receive those applications directly to your email so you can choose your candidates and contact them directly.
Search, Sort, Find
The Job Board is now searchable and sortable, making it easier for the right candidates to find your job. Soon, all categories on your new job post webform will be available using our advanced filtering tools.
New Worker Screening Tool
We’ve also introduced our New Worker Screening Tool to help you screen workers new to landscape and horticulture. Simply check the box and applicants will be asked to attach their screening results to their application.
We want to hear from you.
In the coming weeks, we’ll introduce new features and optimizations to help your post get in front of the right professionals. Your valuable feedback is part of this process. Tell us how we can make work better for you!
We’re here to help.
For additional information on editing or posting your job, check out our Help Centre or contact us directly at

Instructions: How to Post a Job
Our new streamlined process makes it quick and easy to create effective job posts anywhere from any device.
Read the instructions below to learn how to create a job post, save your progress and control your listing after it’s posted.
1: Contact Info
Provide your Name and Email.
Your Name and Email will not be included in your public job post.
We use your contact information to send you email confirmations about your job post, which include links to edit and update your listing.
We also send you an email reminder before your post expires in case you want to extend your listing.
You won’t be added to our mailing list by providing your email on this page.
Click NEXT at the bottom of the screen to continue or click SAVE to save your post and continue later.
Scroll down for Troubleshooting & Helpful Hints.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
2: Job Post Highlights
Job Title and Company Name
Application Deadline*
Maximum 60 days from today's date. You may extend your post at any time using the edit link provided after you submit your responses.
Work Location
Specify the Town or City where the position takes place. You can specify more details in the job description section.
Job Categories:
These multiple-choice questions help you connect with the right candidates. Choose the answer that best describes the position. Remember: You can provide more detail about the position on the next page.
Employment Term: Permanent/Year-Round or Temporary/Seasonal
Role Type: Describes the level of experience/seniority required for the role.
Entry-Level, Skilled/Experienced, Administration/Clerical/HR, Apprentice or Tradesperson, Red Seal Horticultural Technician, Accredited/Certified Professional, Supervisor/Lead, Manager
Average Weekly Hours: Full Time, Part Time, Casual or On-Call
Driver's License: Required, Preferred, Not Required
Ontario's Working for Workers Four Act, 2023 (the Act) stipulates that public job posts must include the starting pay or range. The implementation of these requirements is expected soon. It is your responsibility to ensure your job posts remain compliant.
Wage/Salary Range
$(minimum) to $(maximum) / (pay interval) hour week month year
Ontario Minimum Wage: $16.55/hour (As of October 1, 2024 min. wage increases to $17.20/hour)Benefits/Incentives:
Select all options that apply or add one of your own.
Have a category or criteria you think we should include? Send us your feedback.
3: Job Post Details
This information is viewed on your full job post and helps interested job-seekers learn more about the job and your ideal candidate.
Job Description
Use the text area below to include any additional information to your job post.Job Description (plain text only)*
Qualifications: Skills, Training and Education
The following information helps us connect you with the right job-seekers. Select the skills, training and education that your ideal candidate would possess.
Education: Multiple Choice
Professional Training: Multiple Choice
Additional Skills and Qualifications: Plain Text
Application Details:
Application Contact Email *
This is where your online applications will be forwarded.
Specify which documents applicants should include with their application. These items will be included as attachments to the email provided above.
Landscape. jobs' New Worker Screening Tool is designed to help you screen entry-level candidates for outdoor jobs. To include it in your application process, just check the box below. Check it out for yourself and submit your comments for future updates to the screening tool.
Applications must include : Cover Letter, References, Resume, New Worker Screening Tool, Other (Please specify)
Additional Application Requirements/Instructions: (Optional)
4: Promote
Help us promote your post across Landscape Ontario’s digital channels. Select all that apply to your listing and your company.
Promotion Area by Region
Job tags
Complete the Employer Agreement Confirmation
Provide your first and last name
Have a tag you think we should include? Send us your feedback.
5: Confirm and Submit
Review and complete the Employer Agreement Confirmation
Provide your first and last name
Select each of the three (3) statements
Stay Connected (Optional) : Join the Landscape Ontario Workforce Development Weekly E-news
Last Step: Select POST STATUS
This tells us what you want to do with your job post.
Learn more about selecting the right Post Status
When you’re ready, click SUBMIT to complete your form or click SAVE to save your post and continue later.
About this Page:
All responses provided on this page are not included in your public post.
Your responses on this page are used to confirm your submission and determine the next steps for your job post.
Whenever you make changes to a job post, ensure to edit your Post Status selection.
The next steps in the process are determined by the Post Status you selected
Whenever you make changes to a job post, ensure to edit your Post Status selection.
Learn more about Post Status and the next steps in the job post process.

Here are some helpful hints to overcome the most common hurdles in creating your job post.
Scroll down or click the links below to navigate directly to the corresponding topic.
Can I save my post and continue later?
How do I go back and forth between form pages?
Which Post Status should I choose?
I clicked SUBMIT, but nothing happened.
How do I create multiple job posts?
How do I make changes to my job post?
How do I remove my post from the job board?
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
Can I save my post and continue later?
Of course! There are actually two ways to do that.
Click SAVE at the bottom of any form page.
You’ll receive an email to with a link to continue your entry.
Post Status: Save as Draft
If you’re almost done, you can select Save as Draft in Post Status.
Your job post is saved on the system.
You receive a confirmation email.
Subject: Draft Saved: {Job Title}
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Click Continue your Job Post to return to the form and complete your post.
When your job post is ready to go, remember to update your Post Status to Complete: Ready for Approval before hitting Submit.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
How do I go back and forth between form pages?
Click the page numbers in the path at the top of the form to navigate to the corresponding page.
Or click BACK or NEXT at the bottom of the form.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
Which Post Status should I choose?
Your Post Status selection tells us what to do with your job post. It's important to update this selection every time you make changes to your job post.
Here’s what happens after selecting each of the following selections:
Save as Draft:
Your job post is saved on the system.
You receive a confirmation email.
Subject: Draft Saved: {Job Title}
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Click Continue your Job Post to return to the form and complete your post.
When your job post is ready to go, remember to update your Post Status to Complete: Ready for Approval before hitting Submit.
Complete: Ready for Approval
Your job post is sent for approval.
You receive a confirmation email
Subject: Confirmation: {Job Title} Awaiting Approval
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Once approved, your post is added to the live job board.
You receive an email with a link to Edit your Post and a link to your live job board post,.
Updated: Edits Ready for Approval
Your updates job post is sent for approval.
You receive a confirmation
Subject: Confirmation: {Job Title} Awaiting Approval
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Once approved, your updated post is added to the live job board.
You receive an email with a link to Edit your Post and a link to your live job board post,.
Deactivate Post: Remove from Live Job Board, Save as Draft
Your job post is removed from the live job board.
Your deactivated job post is saved as a draft on the system.
You receive a confirmation email:
Subject: Deactivated: {Job Title} Draft Saved
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
To reactivate your job post, click Reactivate your Job Post in your confirmation email.
Edit your job post as needed.
Set a new Application Deadline
Update your Post Status
Click Submit.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
I clicked SUBMIT, but nothing happened.
This usually means a mandatory field is blank. Use the numbered path to navigate through the form and check your responses to the mandatory fields.
If these fields are filled correctly and you’re still having problems, click SAVE at the bottom of your screen and contact us at
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
How do I create multiple job posts?
Multiple Openings for the Same Job
If you have multiple openings for the same job, update # of Openings under Job Title at the top of Page 2: Job Post Details.
Different Jobs at the Same Company
After submitting a job post, click Create a New Post on the Thank You page to be taken to a new Job Post form.
To save time, selected fields have been prefilled with the information provided in your previous job post.
If needed, you can update this information as you complete the job post form.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
How do I make changes to my job post?
Change Responses Before Submitting your Job Post
You may change your responses in the form fields at any time. To navigate the form, use the numbered path at the top of the BACK and NEXT buttons at the bottom of each page.
Make Changes to a Submitted Job Post
Even after you submit your post, you can edit your responses at any time.
After submitting your job post, you’ll receive a confirmation email:
Subject: Confirmation: {Job Title} Awaiting Approval
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Click Edit your Job Post to return to the job post form containing your job post responses.
Navigate the pages of this form and update your responses as needed.
Important: Change Post Status before submitting your updates.
Select Updated: Changes Ready for Approval to have your updated post returned to the live job board.
Select Save as Draft to pause your listing and complete your updates at a later time.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions:
How do I remove my post from the job board?
Find your confirmation email for the corresponding job post:
Subject: Confirmation: {Job Title} Awaiting Approval
Sender: Landscape Ontario ( your spam, junk folder or filtered emails using the sender and subject above.
Click Edit your Job Post to return to the job post form containing your job post responses.
Navigate to page 4: Confirm & Submit
Change Post Status to Deactivate Post: Remove from Live Job Board
If you select Save as Draft, your post will also be removed from the live job board.
Click Submit
You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to edit your post if you wish to repost it in the future.
We’re here to help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions: